Monday, June 4, 2012

iPads and Blogger in French language project

This spring in Voionmaa high school, Jyväskylä, Finland our students used iPads ja Blogger blog in French language learning project. Group started blog with Spanish French learning study group. With iPad  Blogger apps they made blog posts and shoot videos. Good to learn languages in real projects. Thanks for our students and have great vacation!


Video greetings!. 


  1. This video is nice and informative to me, i am impressed by this site and this clip.
    Facebook Game Development

  2. Thanks Mamum, i will, soon as summer vacation ends and im back to work

  3. Your article is really informative to learn French language. Everyone should improve their native language and people should take various courses for improving their language. French learner can improve their language skill by taking Language course,French grammar and vocabulary books , lonely planet French Phrasebook etc and thus they can improve wonderful French language .

  4. Thanks Rosalyne for your comment and tips!
